A proxy server (or computer) is an intermediary between an individual or client and another server. This allows an individual or client to appear to be located elsewhere, allowing them to bypass restrictions imposed by a firewall or other network technologies implemented at the router level.
Web browsers and many other Internet software packages often use proxy servers, such as Instant Messenger programs, email clients, and streaming media players. A proxy server is a computer on the internet that helps you get around firewalls and network blocks to browse safely on the internet.

What is Proxy Server?
A proxy server is a program or device between your computer and the internet. The proxy server hides your actual IP address from the sites you visit on the web. This means that you appear to be calling from a different IP address, making it harder for third parties to track your browsing activities and locate you.
It helps users anonymously browse the internet and other websites without revealing their identity. You can also use it to bypass firewall restrictions or censorship imposed by government agencies and schools, and colleges. With this software installed in the system, you can gain extra privacy while browsing the web.
Why should I use the Proxy Server?
Many countries have implemented censorship on the internet. For example, a number of schools and colleges severely restrict their students’ access to almost all kinds of sites. Even if they try to open the blocked sites, they get shown a message that the contents of these sites are not allowed.
This is to prevent their students from viewing pornographic material, viewing objectionable images, and accessing websites that contain inappropriate content. In these cases, a proxy server becomes an effective tool to bypass these restrictions and connect you to your friends and family at your direct IP address. A proxy server is also very useful when you want to surf anonymously.
How does it work?
It works by adding a new layer of IP addresses between your computer and the other devices on the network. Because your computer is hidden behind this proxy server, you can browse the internet as you normally would if you were not using this application. These servers are also useful for keeping your identity safe while using different applications.
How to install a proxy server?
You can easily install the proxy server on any Windows or Mac computer. To start a proxy server, you must download and run it. Many applications provide easy access to Internet content, including several free web proxies. Some of these services allow you to choose how much information about your IP address you want to reveal and how much privacy protection you want to use. In addition, it comes with different customization options. You can easily configure the application’s security settings according to your requirements.
What are the Benefits?
The benefits of using a proxy server are many. In this article, we have highlighted the top 9 reasons why people use these tools. They work like an anonymous shell on your computer. You can access the internet anonymously and browse as you wish. You can browse websites without having to register with them or reveal your IP address to others. It helps you keep a lower profile and protect your privacy or identity when interacting with people on social networking sites.
What is a proxy list used for?
You can use a proxy list to surf the internet anonymously and access your favorite websites. The best thing about using these proxy lists is that it doesn’t require much configuration for your computer or computer devices. There are various lists of proxies which include various places around the world. You can choose any method and browse anonymously online without limitations or restrictions.
There are two main types of proxy server lists that you can find on the internet: the free ones and the paid ones. Free proxy servers are good when you want to test websites quickly and easily, but they do not guarantee speed or reliability. Paid proxy servers offer higher speed and more security than free proxies but cost money to be used each month (or even minute).
100+ Proxy list for 2023
HideMyAss – https://www.hidemyass.com/proxy
Hide.me – https://hide.me/en/
AnonyMouse – http://anonymouse.org/
Sslsecureproxy – https://www.sslsecureproxy.com/
kProxy – http://www.kproxy.com/
Hidester – https://hidester.com/proxy/
ZendProxy – http://zendproxy.com/
Proxysite – https://www.proxysite.com/
Freeproxy – https://freeproxy.win/
Don’t Filter – http://www.dontfilter.us/
New Ip Now – http://newipnow.com/
4everproxy – http://4everproxy.com/
Proxy.org – http://proxy.org/
Fast USA Proxy – http://fastusaproxy.com
VPN Browse – http://vpnbrowse.com
Zalmos – http://zalmos.com
Xite Now – http://xitenow.com
Xite Site – http://xitesite.com/
Host App – http://hostapp.eu
Filterbypass -https://www.filterbypass.me/
Proxfree – https://www.proxfree.com/
Websurf – https://www.websurf.in/
Orangeproxy – https://www.orangeproxy.net/
Hidenseek – https://www.hidenseek.org/
Hidemebro – https://www.hidemebro.com/
Phproxysite – https://www.phproxysite.com/
Homeproxy- https://www.homeproxy.com
Securefor – http://www.securefor.com
Proxysneak – https://www.proxysneak.com/
My-Proxy – https://www.my-proxy.com/
Prox-YouTube – https://www.proxy-youtube.com/
Spy-Surfing – http://www.spysurfing.com/
ProxyPS – https://proxypx.com/
Hidebuzz – http://hidebuzz.us/
2Fast Surfer – http://2fastsurfer.com/
ProxyLoad – http://proxyload.net/
Stopcensoring – https://stopcensoring.me/
Vload – http://vload.net/
Miniprox – http://miniprox.com/
Aceproxy – http://aceproxy.com/
Unblock123 – http://www.unblock123.com/
Allunblocked – http://www.allunblocked.com/
24Tinnel – http://www.24tunnel.com/
Pxaa – http://www.pxaa.com/
ProxyMesh – https://proxymesh.com/web/
Proxybrowsing – http://proxybrowsing.com/
VPNBook – https://www.vpnbook.com/webproxy
Instantunblock – https://instantunblock.com/
Pandashield – https://pandashield.com/
Awebproxy – https://www.awebproxy.com/
Spysurfing – http://www.spysurfing.com/
Proxybrowsing – http://proxybrowsing.com/
Myunblocksites – http://www.myunblocksites.com/
Proxyhub – http://proxyhub.in/
Serverfriend – http://serverfriend.altervista.org/
Unblockwebsites – http://ww12.unblockwebsites.us/
Videounblocker – http://www.videounblocker.net/
Unblockandsurf – http://unblockandsurf.com/
Proxy-deal – http://proxy-deal.net/
Vectroproxy – http://vectroproxy.com/
Boomproxy – http://boomproxy.com/
Bypasser – http://www.bypasser.us/
Unblock Websites – https://unblock-websites.com/
Zalmos – http://zalmos.com
Secure For – Premiuminfo
Social unblock – http://unblocksocial.net/
Wow Sow – http://wossow.com/
VPN Browse – http://vpnbrowse.com
New IP Now – https://newipnow.com/
HideSter – https://hidester.com/proxy/
MegaProxy – https://www.megaproxy.com/freesurf/
Zend2 – https://zend2.com/
CroxyProxy – https://www.croxyproxy.com/
Boom Proxy – https://boomproxy.com/
Final Verdict:
A proxy server is an effective tool to gain anonymity while surfing the web. Proxy servers are most useful when bypassing school or college internet filters and enjoying a secure, private connection to your friends and family members. However, this can be a smart decision if you understand the risks of using these tools. It is also important that you find out more about the services that provide these services before signing up for one of them.
Q: How do I use a proxy server?
A: Many sites offer free proxy servers, which allow you to use them anonymously. These free, anonymous proxy servers can be used by anyone who wants to gain access to restricted websites in their country.
Q: What is a proxy server?
A: A proxy server is a computer program or code that connects your computer and the internet (the global network of computers). It allows you to surf the internet from any device, like your phone or tablet, without revealing your real IP address.